Wednesday, August 12, 2009

are v patriotic?-think again!!

When I heard the news of the Mumbai bomb blast, when I saw those images of the blast on the TV, I remembered the 9/11 tragedy the memories of anxious relatives waiting to hear any news about their near and dear one’s survival, of relatives crying over the dead bodies.. …My heart went out to all those hostages and brave commandos who left their family behind to save someone else’s, But a stronger feeling took over me…a stronger feeling of anger and frustration!!! Where is all this leading us to??

Since the 9/11 incident not one other bomb could shake America. Such is their security!!!

But in India there has been more than 20 bomb blast in a single year!!! And the reason?? Growing terrorism!!! terrorism basically start on religious roots…A minor misunderstanding between a majority and minority section in a place spark a religious riot that later develops as terrorism. Alright it develops, but how does it grow?? Again the answer is obvious... The “Blacksheeps” in the country harbor terrorist purely for money and let them grow and carry out their satanic activities under the cover of their political power. Americans all over the world took an oath that they would not let terrorism ruin America and they lived up to it….but how many such false promises would we have made every independence day, republic day etc…?Did we live up to it?? NO. The aim of this article is not to prove that an American is greater than an Indian, but to install in the young Indian heart the feeling of patriotism…But the fact remains that an American’s feeling of ‘my country’ is greater than that of an Indian’s feeling… I mean how many of us say “I am an Indian” when asked “who are you?” .whenever we hear such incident our mind will think ‘ill do my best to stop all this non sense” but our fingers will send sardarji jokes!!! see how an American reacts if you sent ‘Bush’ jokes to them!!! We Indians don’t realize that this trend of sending sardar jokes were started by the British to undermine the braveness of the sardars who fought against them to free India, and we as fools follow this trend not realizing that we are pricking our own eyes by doing so.

The root of this problem lies in not following rules and the leniency in the laws. Parking in no parking, entering in no entry, driving fast, under age driving etc. The police catch you for not obeying the laws and you pay the fine and continue breaking the rules, the police with much difficulty finds the criminal but the judge releases him saying “even an criminal can escape but an innocent should never be punished” A corrupt politician harbors a terrorist, and the people elect him to an higher post. What an irony!!!

It’s high time we younger generation did something about this…instead of warming our college benches and following the herd, I say we fight it!! Don’t give a bribe, never park in no parking, don’t enter in no entry….and don’t vote an incompetent politician to power!! Instead vote to a youth to power!!

I know all this might sound a little far fetched…but again India’s future is in our hands…so the next time you celebrate Independence Day, don’t just munch away chocolates and idle away in front of TV…make it a real independence for India

Start it small, make it big…small deeds like keeping your surroundings clean, following traffic rules, voting, not giving bribes etc might help in the longer run. Every thing starts from the home and so does purifying India!! I can’t promise this can be of any help at all, but it’s our duty rather…aint it?

So we youth shall join hands and work towards a better India….




  1. dats ma 1st article guys.....hope u like it...!!!

  2. heya its a nice piece of wrk suge try more try gud its really awesum

  3. VANDE MAATAARAM(HIGH PITCH)!!!!! lol!!!! exceptional work kudos!!! cheers!!!! keep writin!!!tis deserves to be in de next edition of NXG!!!!cont lady thala!!! lol

  4. yes yes...lady thala!!!!!suge rocxxx
