Friday, August 14, 2009

Friendship Rulezz

"A Friend is a Treasure A friend is someone we turn to,when our spirits need a lift.A friend is someone we treasure,for our friendship is a gift."

There are friends and there are friendships. Friends come and go, but friendships endure. How many friends do I have? The list is endless. How many friendships do I have? I can count them on just one hand. Why is it that from the vast number of people we meet over a lifetime does only a select few rise to the status of friendship? I have but one answer: Friends are made on earth.
Friendships are made in heaven. They are called "true friends."
To be sure, friends play a valuable role in living a full life. I think that you can choose your friends, but your friendships choose you. Somehow, from amidst all these friends, both old and new, a relationship with maybe one or two suddenly blossoms into something deeper. Why is it that are they singled out? It remains a mystery. We may share the same common thread with most everyone in our group, but with some, something different just clicks and a friendship is born.
What makes a true friendship- love, trust, truthfulness, selflessness.These are the hallmarks of friendship. But though we see this in them they are also a reflection of ourselves, for we tend to be like the company we keep.
It is said that no man is an island. While we may all strive for and proclaim our independence, no achievement can be celebrated, and no disappointment can be abated, without friends. They enrich our lives as we enrich theirs. While we are proudly telling others of them, they are proudly telling others of us. So cherish and nurture the friendships you have, for they truly make our lives on this earth that more fulfilled. This is dedicated to all my lovely chums...

Cheers and let our friendship live forever....lets rock:):):)
